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arab edu group


واليوم بعد عناء طويل سجلت ,, انا عم قدم بكلوربا حرة ولغتي الاساسية فرنسي
وبالانجليزي بالمرة ,, هي توقعات انجليزي ان شاء الله تجي منها ونستفيد معكم,,
وبعتذر كتير عالتأخير وان شاء الله حدا يلحق يشوفها

Read the following text then do the tasks below .
1-Once upon a time , there was a framer called Rip Van Winkle . He lived in a village with his
wife and two young children : a daughter and a son .Rip was very happy and kind man .However ,
he was very lazy . He was happy to do just enough work to get by . His family was very poor
and his wife used to get at him . After arguments with his wife , Rip always went for walk. One
day , after another argument ,Rip went further than usual in the woods and came to a beautiful
valley , high in the mountains .Suddenly , he heard a strange voice calling his name .An old man ,
dressed in old – fashioned clothes , took Rip to a cave , where there were more people , all dressed
in the same strange clothes .Rip immediately fell into a deep sleep .Rip immediately fell into a
deep sleep .Some time later , he woke up under a tree in the same valley .He was alone .He knew
he was going to get into more trouble with his wife .Then he noticed a curious thing – his hair
was over his shoulders and his beard was over a foot long .
- Answer the following questions .
1-Why did Rip's wife argue with him ? – Because he was lazy .
2- In what way did the people in the cave look different? – They all dressed in the same strange
clothes .
3- Who did Rip live with ? He lived with his wife and two young children .
4- What happened to Rip in the cave? - He fell into a deep sleep .
- Find words in the text which mean the following .
5- stopped sleeping . = woke up .
6-problem . = trouble.
7-large natural underground hole . = valley .
8 –mange to continue your way of life . = get by .
- Rewrite these sentences about the text to correct the information .
9- Rip woke up in a tree and saw that his hair was too short . = under / over his shoulders
10-Rip went in the woods and came to a beautiful cave between two mountains . = valley high in
the mountains .
2- Rip couldn’t understand what had happened .He decided to get back to the village .As soon as
he got there , he realised that everything was different , and there were lots of new houses. The
people in the village stared at him with his long hair and beard and old clothes .When he got to
his house , he saw that it was old and abandoned .He went to the corner of the village and
everything there had changed completely .Rip described his wife , family and friends and asked
the people where they were .Apparently , his wife had died two years before and all of his
friends had either died or left the village but his children were still there .They pointed to young
man sleeping under a tree .Rip realised it was his son .Then a young woman carrying a baby
came towards him . It was his daughter . In the end , Rip went to live with his daughter .He still
didn’t get round to doing much work though .He spent his time telling stories about life in the
old days , how he had met some strange people in the mountains – and how he had gone to sleep
for twenty years .
- Answer the following questions .
1- What did his house look like ? – It was old and abandoned.
2- How long had Rip slept ?- For twenty years .
3- When did his wife die ? – two years before .
4- How did Rip spend his time ? – telling stories about life in the old days .
- Find words in the text which mean the following
5- looked fixedly . = stared .
6-hair on the man's face . = beard .
7- stopped living . = died.
8- gave details about something . = described .
- Rewrite these sentences about the text to correct the information .
9- Rip knew that he was going to be happier with his wife . – in trouble .
10- Then an old woman carrying a baby came towards him .It was his wife . - young / daughter

3-Storytellers were still common in Syria in the 1930 but since then the practice has gone into
a slow decline . The delightful 13th – century building that is home to the al –Nofara Café stands
near the eastern gate of the Umayyad Mosque in Old Damascus . In 1990 , the owner of the café
found himself with a problem . He had promised his customers some entertainment- a hakawati –
but none was to be found .Previously , two hundred people at a time had crowded into the al-
Nofara to see and to see and hear Abu Ahmad Mounis , whom many regarded as the last of the
great hakawatis , but Abu Ahmad was dead , and the café had gone quiet . So the owner called
upon his good friend ,Abu Shadi , a neighboring shopkeeper who sold such everyday foods sugar
and rice , for help . At first , Abu Shadi refused , saying that he didn’t know how to tell stories ,
that he simply couldn't do it . But the café owner insisted and it was not long before Abu Shadi
gave his first performance .
- Answer the following questions .
1-Why was the al-Nofara café quiet in 1990 ? – Because Abu Ahmad was dead .
2- Who persuaded Abu Shadi to become a storyteller .?- The owner of the café did .
3- Why did Abu-Shadi refuse to be Al hakawati ?Because he didn’t know how to tell stories.
4- Where is al –Nofara café located ? It is near the eastern gate of the Umayyad Mosque in Old
Damascus .
- Find words in the text which mean the following
5- trouble . = problem
6- amusement .=entertainment .
7- no longer alive . = dead
8- people who buy goods or services .= customers
- Rewrite these sentences about the text to correct the information .
9-Since the 1930 , the practice of story telling has developed and flourished greatly . = gone into a
slow but steady decline

arab edu group


Complete the following sentences by filling in the gaps .
1- I have worked there ------------ ten years.
2- Winter is a difficult season for ------------- homeless.
3- In London the bus is one of -------best ways to get around .
4- The news today will ------------------ read by James Cook .
5- The building won't ------------ finished by May .
6 My car has just ------------- repaired .
7- Hamlet --------- written by Shakespeare .
8-I think we -------- being watched by the police .
9- I need to ------------- my eyes tested .
10- I can ----------- my shoes repaired there .
11- We got -------------- a conversation about films .
12-I think you --------- not smoke.
13- My mother gets ------------ me if I don’t tidy my room .
14- The giraffe is ------------ tallest animal on Earth .
15-The first task was easy but this one is ---------------- difficult .
16-Mona plays the piano better ------------ Dania .
17- She bought ----------- piano .Sham begun production ----------- 7 March . 2007 .
18 -We d' like to set ------------ an adventure sports club .
19- the doctor ------------- treated me told me not to worry .
20-Perth is the most remote city --------- the world .
21- He returned to the village --------- he had been born .
22-Have you ------------- eaten dates ?
23-By the time I was five , I --------- sing , play the piano alittle and swim .
24- I was freighted and wanted to back --------------- .
25-The Celts arrived in Europe in --------------- fifth BCE.
26- They have ------------------- done the homework .
27-They haven’t done the homework ------------ .
28- My dad ------------ not able to drive until he was 30 .
29-It ------------- an hour to drive to the airport from here .
30-I hope you will keep this fact ------------- mind.
31-That trainer gets -------------- her message well .
32-We were waiting ------------ the bus when it started to rain .
33-The plane took --------------- five minutes ago .
34-The bracelet is made ---------- silver .
35-He was very nervous and couldn’t go through ----------- the bungee jumping .
-Fill in the spaces with words from the list .
Open , trade , delighted , soon , looked , throughout .
1- In Spain , the British ---------- had defeated Napoleon's army at Salamanca .With these victories
, the British were able to ------------ their ports to foreign ----------- again . Businessmen -----------
Britain , and in Yorkshire in particular , were delighted .The workers ---------------- forwards to a
better future .
escape , cruel , brother , felt , offer , education , men
2-Caroline's father was Reverend Helstone's ---------------- .He was a ------------ man and Caroline's
mother left home to --------------- him . When her father died ,Caroline went to live with her uncle
. She had little ------------ so when Horteness suggested French lessons ,Caroline had accepted the
kind ---------------- .
committee, district, governess , pleased, give out , fund , tried
3- The men were all ----------- to be working with Shirley . Shirley's ------------- did well and the -
--------- worked hard to --------------------- coal and food to the poor .As a result , the --------------
seemed to grow calmer.

arab edu group


A: ----------------------------------------------- ?
B: The last book I read was " Gone with the Wind " .
B: It was about an old sailor.
B:I enjoyed detective stories when I was a child.
2- A:---------- -----------------------------------?
B: Australia is situated between the Pacific and the Indian Ocean .
A: -------------------------------------------- ?
B: It is 7,8 million square kilometers .
A: ---------------------------------------------?
B: The capital of Australia is Canberra.
B: The ancient people of Australia were the Aborigines.
B: They lived in small groups as hunters .
3- A: ------------------------------------------?
B: Fairouz is Lebanese .
B: She was born in 1935 .
A: -------------------------------------------?
B: She studied singing at the Lebanese Conservatoire .
A: ------------------------------------------?
B: She has recorded about 1500 songs and 85 albums .
-Write the missing part of the following exchanges using the function in brackets .
1- A: - The weather is terrible in Greenland . It is worse than the weather here .
B: --------------------------------------- . ( express interest ) .
2-A: Ok . A football shirt for Nabil .What about Farida ?
B: ---------------------------------------- ( express preferences )
3-A:You have got much shopping .
B: ---------------------------------------- ( ask for help )
4-A: Celebrities don’t really want privacy .
B: ---------------------------------------- ( express agreement . )
5-A: They shouldn’t control what goes on TV.
B: -------------------------------------- ( express disagreement )
6-A: What did you think of the new Star Wars film .
B: -------------------------------------- ( express opinion about the film )
7-A: Teenagers cant drive a car until they are eighteen .
B : -------------------------------------- ( give advice )
8-A: --------- ----------------------? ( ask about the price )
B: That 'll be S.P.300 .
9-A: Can I help you ?
B: ------------------------------------- (ask for a ticket to Aleppo )
10-A: There is too much violence on TV
B: --------------------------------------- ( make suggestion
11-A: -------------- --------------------- . ( ask to show passport )
B: sure .
12-A: I hate the way people are teased in advertising .
B: ------------------------------------- . ( interrupt politely )
13-A: My motorbike is broken .I am going to buy a new one .
B: -------------------------- ----- ( give advice
- Complete the following sentences using clauses .
1- If I had money , ---------------------
2- If you arrive early , --------------------------
3- They had a fireplace built so that ------------------------
4- Someone regularly steals cars in this area . Cars ------------------------------- .
5- Police are interviewing him at the moment . He ----------------------------------- .
6-No body has told me what to do .I ----------------------------
7-The police fined the driver for speeding . The driver ------------------------------ .
8-I will give her money . She------------------------------
9- I had never been abroad until --------------------------- .
10- I got home by the time -------------------------------------
11-The film had begun when -------------------------- .
12-Laila hasn’t seen her uncle since----------------------------
13-The woman whose wallet was stolen , ------------------------------------ .
14-I enjoyed the film which ------------------------- .
15-The police arrested the man who ---------------------------------- .
16-Although I don’t ply golf , ---------------------------
Choose the correct words in brackets .
1- I haven’t seen him ( since – for – ago ) ages .
2-The Nile is ( the longest – long – longer than ) river in the world .
3- Our classroom is ( bigger than – big – the biggest ) the one next door.
4-The woman ( who – whose – which ) wallet was stolen went to the police station .
5- The house ( which – who – whose ) is at the end of the street is huge.
6- He looked ( anger – angry – angrily ) at his children and said nothing .
7- Look at him . He looks ( anger –angry – angrily )
8 -He didn’t achieve his ( ambitious –ambitiously –ambition )
9- was a trained ( music – musician –musical ) before he stated writing pop songs.
10- They knew ( death – dead –die ) was near .
11-Sometimes I feel you aren’t taking me ( serious –seriously – seriousness )
12- We ( couldn’t – didn’t have – should ) repair the motorbike , not buy a new one .
13- He is a ( success – successful – successfully ) writer .
14-He isn’t very ( talk – talking –talkative ) .
15- What time does this bus get ( to – at – on ) Damascus?
16- I will get ( out – back – round ) to doing it soon .
17- I must get ( up – down – into ) to some revision before the exam .
18-Ali is glad because he gets ( on – into – by ) with his professor .
19- They are both ( at – from – in ) their fifties.
20- Mr. Baxter is a man ( off- to –of ) great courage .
21– Someone came into the house at sometime ( at –in –during ) the night .
22-Ali waited for Waleed but he didn’t turn ( up – down – on ) .
23-It is getting dark .Turn ( off- on – up) the lights , please .
24-You ( couldn’t – shouldn’t – should ) drive so fast , it's dangerous .
25- Our shop only sells ( home-made sweets , home-make sweets )-We checked ( at –on – in ) our
luggage .
26-He was unconscious for along time before he came ( out – round – by )
27-He enjoys ( listen – to listen – listening ) to classical music .
28-I 'd prefer ( stay – staying –to stay ) at home tonight .
29-Your driver will take you ( anywhere – sometime – some time )
- Correct the verbs in brackets .
1- I ( not like ) -------------------going with groups.
2- I ( be ) --------- a traveller since I was eighteen.
3- So far I ( not discover ) the details of their eating habits .
4- The plane ( take off ) ---------------- five minutes ago .
5- I played tennis when I ( be ) --------- a teenager .
6-Karim wasn’t there when I came .He ( not arrive ) ------------------- yet .
7- I injured my leg while I ( practise ) -------------- my karate .
8-As I ( have ) ----- a shower , the phone rang
9- We ( have) ------------ dinner now.
10-Mum's cooking dinner downstairs .It ( smell ) ---------------- fantastic.
11- It ( not rain ) -------- much in the Sahara Desert .
12- What has he done since you last ( see ) --------him?.
13- Since the 1980s , polar tourism ( grow ) -------------- rapidly



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